About Me

Hi there, I am Dan, I am a beginner #hiker, #mountain climber, #river trekker, #camper, #cliff diver, #adrenaline junky, #thrill seeker, #mobile photographer (if such exist), #food critic, #selfeet addict, #wanderlust, #happy-kind-of-go-lucky guy, and a #nature lover.
I do hope you enjoy the things I am posting. If not, then go somewhere else and make yourself scarce to the world. Just Kidding! I appreciate your negative and very honest opinions about what I write. You can only grow when you’re expose to what you usually don’t know. So Cheers to everyday! and see you soon on the trails, the sky, the sea and the mountains! I will be there taking snapshots of how wonderful the World!
In case your wandering: My Grade in Lakbayan is B- 

My Lakbayan grade is B-!

How much of the Philippines have you visited? Find out at Lakbayan!
Created by Eugene Villar.
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